Saturday, 25 February 2012

EVENT: Sam Neill on Twitter

 Since as long as I can remember, I've always preferred older guys and I don't just mean a couple of years older - I mean a lot older. Not to say that I don't like guys my age or younger - but I always tend to fall harder for the older ones ... sometimes even more than twice my age. I'm 26 so 42+ (You can eww if you want but I can't help who I find attractive just as much as you can. I'm used to the ewws, the weird looks and insults I receive when I tell people).

And for as long as I can remember, I've had a crush on Sam Neill. There's something about him that I've always found attractive and I can't pinpoint what that is - I guess it's everything? 

But anyway, two days ago I somehow stumbled upon the fact that Sam Neill has twitter (@twopaddocks for those who want to follow him). This morning I checked my email and there was an email saying that Sam Neill wanted to follow me!!! Okay .. okay ... so I know that he follows practically everyone that follows him - but considering how far back my crush goes - I'm pretty damn excited! Nothing can bring me down today for sure! *sigh*


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