I bought this L.O.V.E. Necklace at Myer yesterday. As I'm in 100% ... okay 99% ... saving mode, I used a gift voucher that I received over Christmas. The necklace retails for $16.95 but I got it for around $8, bargain! I fell in love (pun intended) as soon as I saw it. It is so hard to capture on camera but trust me when I say it's gorgeous.
I mainly went to shop for shoes - using my voucher also - but at first I thought I wanted neon yellow pointed heels but size 6 is too small and 7 too big. I then thought about getting them in a more strappy style. Yellow had sold out so I thought I might get the neon pink. The neon pink then sold out so I thought about getting the black. Yesterday, at a different store than I usually go to, they had the strappy yellow in all sizes but 6, poo, (7 being too big in the style) and I didn't like the black on. So I ended up getting nothing. I will take it as not meant to be but being $19.99 on sale, I'm bummed that they didn't have the yellow in 6 :\
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