So for those following along with me, you'd be aware that I've been traveling to Mt Buller a lot as of late. It's a 3-4 hour drive to and from my house - and as I have my new car, I've been taking the opportunity to drive up there as much as I can. And it's for work, so I kind of have to.
Anyway - that's off topic - there is a town called Bonnie Doon that I drive through every time - usually to stop at the pub for lunch. Across the road from the pub there is a bridge and it's been on my bucket list to walk across that bridge for as long as I can remember. Last time, I got my chance.
It might sound silly to have walking across a bridge on your bucket list - but I've included some photos under the cut so you can see that it was well worth the wait!
Wearing (my travel gear, not at all stylish):
Jumper - Hot Topic / Dress & Leggings - Supre / Boots - Famous Footwear

Oh! The scenery looks so beautiful!!