Monday, 1 July 2024

No Buy Year: June ...But I Was On Vacation

It's that time of the month again where I discuss my purchases for the month. 

This one was tough because I was on vacation/jet lagged for a good chunk of time.

> What I Bought:

Yes, I failed again. I did give myself some allowance because I was overseas, but I still tried, at least, to be conscious of the decisions that I made when it came to my spend. Especially as I only had carry on. I don't remember buying anything before I flew to America so I'm going to start with my overseas purchases and then will go back later and look over my bank records. 

I did buy my sister a t-shirt ($25USD) and my mum some popcorn ($12USD) so those were my only souvenirs I bought for others. I bought myself a t-shirt from CMA Fest ($35USD), three mugs ($34USD), a blanket ($75USD) and a pair of boots ($59USD) - seen here. Apart from the blanket which was a pretty stupid impulse buy (although I love it!), I thought about the purchases beforehand. 

I knew I wanted a t-shirt or something from CMA Fest. I didn't bring anything to sleep in, so this also solved that issue early on which was pre-planned. 

The mugs are a little complicated as I bought one in California and two in Dallas. The Californian one is a mini mug with a cork bottom, and I really fell in love with the design. It reminded me of the mini mug that I bought when I was in Dubai last year, so I purchased it. The other two have a kind of antique rustic look to them - one with prawns and the other a crab. I had been looking at mugs like these before I travelled so I took it as a sign. Last thing I need is new mugs so stupid yes, but it is what it is. 

The blanket I ADORE! It's pink with large red writing that says 'Howdy' and black hats, boots and horseshoes. It was an expensive and like I said above, an impulse. It was stupid too, as it was SO big and difficult to pack (like I had to really squish it into my bag).

The boots, however, were thought about. Before I travelled, I had thrown away three pairs of boots from just old age and falling apart so I had gone to Nashville thinking I would buy a replacement. I thought maybe a not-so-obvious pair of cowboy boots, but everything turned out to be leather, of which I don't wear, so I never got a pair. I found these boots in a little boutique, and I thought they had that same kind of look but more wearable and, of course, not real leather. 

There was SO much I could have bought in Dallas. It was really the only time I did any kind of shopping. I was only meant to stay in the airport, but my flight got delayed which made me miss my connecting flight, so I ended up with two days in Dallas. I guess if you look at it that way, I had done incredibly well up until that point having only bought the t-shirt and one mug haha.

I also bought peach vodka at the duty-free shop, which was around $42, I think. I had planned for this as I can't easily buy it in shops/online. I regretted not getting it last time, so I did this time with no regrets.

I guess the main thing too is that I didn't buy anything impractical so that's a good thing.

When I returned from the States, I did a little bit of shopping. I purchased some earrings ($10) as well as some pjs pants ($25). I had wanted some new studs and some winter pants. So impulsive, yes. A mistake, yes. But somewhat needed, yes. Gosh, I'm not doing well at all...

Total: $240USD + $35AUD

As for the cinema, I went twice - once to see An American In Paris ($30) and the other 42nd Street ($26.80). These were part of the 'season of musicals' special event. It has now concluded so I imagine my cinema trips will be smaller moving forward with not much I want to see. But I love going to the cinema so I'm always open to it and don't mind spending the money to see a good movie. 

As for the theatre, I went once - in New York. I got a rush ticket which I think was around $30USD. I did purchase a cocktail which came with a free themed cup, so I was happy. I do regret not buying more - such as a merch hoodie or something from the Museum of Broadway, but it is what it is. 

I also got a haircut (the day after I landed) which cost me $52.

It was an expensive month but as always, I aim to do better next month.


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