So yesterday I had every intention of doing 10 things in my Christmas countdown but alas, I went out, then the thunder and lightening started, and I had to work on my MT poster entries. Usually I can bang out a graphic quite easily (not saying it would be any good, mind you) but my computer has a virus which makes me unable to use the internet or load certain programs - so it makes it very difficult to make anything. So with a combination of USBs (which stopped working just to annoy me midway) going between my PC and Mac laptop, downloading new graphic programs when the other ones failed, numerous frustrating hours and over 100 computer meltdowns; I made these.
I didn't win. I'm not at all bitter. Even if the winning entries were not the ones I would have necessarily chosen myself, I congratulate everyone on their win and those who participated. So why this post, you may ask yourself. Well, I worked hard on my entries and I figure maybe someone will get some use out of the graphics I made =D
The first one is a Christmas tree graphic with christmas light text, MT baubles and MT CDs under the tree. The second is a lyrics poster (it was a bitch to make! haha!) which I'm oh so proud of. I actually would like to get it made and printed into a poster because I love it so much. And hey, I may actually get some lyrics right for once - a very rare thing for me when it comes to MT :\
Anyway, I hope you like what I made. Feel free to take either and do what you'd like with it :)
Full res versions under the cut!

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