Tuesday, 21 April 2015

EVENT: OZ Comic Con Adelaide

I got back from Adelaide this morning. I was there this weekend for Oz Comic Con. It marks officially my first interstate con and what a doozy it was! It actually took 20 hours to drive back home. We left at 9am and got home at 5am the next day. We were so delirious by the time we got back. I still am only going on three hours sleep but I have no regrets.

I have a tonne of information to share but for now, please enjoy my photos from the event.
Day 1 || Day 2

I will have write ups up as soon as humanly possible. I'm leaving again for Mt Buller tomorrow (at 5am - shoot me!) so I'm unsure how much time I will have but I will work on it for sure! I also have a couple of interviews to share with y'all =D


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