Friday 31 May 2024

'No Buy Year': May and That Ah-Ha Moment

May. And that ah-ha moment ;)


> What I Bought:

Okay, so I started off May in the worst possible way. But I'm getting ahead of myself. 

At the end of March, I was on my way to Mt Buller and stopped in Mansfield where I came across a glass planet lamp. I've always loved astronomy and space, and I instantly fell in love with it. I didn't buy it but later researched that there are only similar lamps available in the UK - and for double the price. 

I returned home but the problem was that my dad remained there which meant the temptation was still very much real. Seeing as the shop closes at 4.30pm every day and my dad was passing by during his last trip home, I asked him to buy it for me (for $229). And honestly, I love it SO much! I have a bit of a weakness for lamps - which is a problem - but the lamp is a rarity in Australia, so it was worth it. 

Now, this was the beginning of a shift in perspective. See, I'd been attempting this 'No Buy Year' for a couple of reasons but mainly to save money for a trip overseas. But honestly, I 'd been going back and forth on it. But being as strict as I was (failings aside) was impacting my mental health and I felt stuck between a rock and a hard place, and I regrettably treated myself. In the second week of May I went to a shopping centre to recycle some empty skincare and bought two things - a dinosaur ($11.95) and a sherpa jacket ($35).    

Total: $275.95

I went to the cinema twice, seeing Titanic the Musical ($40.80) and Greatest Days (all free). 

I went to the theatre twice - both tickets were free, but it cost me $30 in programmes. Additionally, I went to the Harry Potter: A Forbidden Forest Experience which cost me $72 for the ticket... and I dare not mention how much I spent on themed snacks, but I resisted getting anything from the gift shop. 

So far, I've made $1235 from selling my used items in March's declutter.

> Temptations:

Let's talk The Salvos because I was fully on board to buy a pair of boots listed online but I had been waiting for them to go to half price (especially as I no longer have access to a discount through unidays) but they sold out before I could get to them, which honestly is a relief more than anything else. I do need a replacement pair of black boots as the lining on my every day pair is now uncomfortable and not worth fixing. Two other pairs boots also broke this month which I may or not replace - one red and one tan - if/when I find ones I like. 

I also became obsessed with No. 22's diamant carafe and tumblers (but I couldn't decide on the smoke or peach colour, disliking too that handwashing is recommended because this girl likes to use a dishwasher). Also expensive, I found that Gigi and Tom had a different colour for almost half the price. That, as well as the Otis Octopus Resin Decorative Tray White and Chubby Ceramic Tissue Box Cover, I convinced myself I needed. 

Then I stopped to think about what I was doing. Did I really need some carafe and tumblers that I would use only on special occasions (because I wouldn't want to go to the trouble of handwashing)? Do I have space for an octopus tray? Would it fit my decor/lifestyle? Would I one day get rid of it if I go full on minimalist? Is a tissue box cover necessary to match something I already own - both of which I'm unsure I'll even have the space for? Nor do I like that it has an open bottom which would cause the bottom tissues to get wet in the bathroom. 

The answer is no. One day I might change my mind when I have space, but, for the moment, everything I mentioned would be put under my bed in storage in the hopes of "maybe one day." That's a bad way to live because again, you might not have the space, your tastes could change, you might find one you like better etc. 

If I've learnt anything, I want to buy items I need in my life right now, not later.  

NOTE: And editing this couple of days later, I was like, "oh yeah, I was obsessed with those things" but I had forgotten all about them. It's funny how your mind shifts...

Saying that, I've been thinking about the purchases I made in May. Two out of the three things I bought are for the future i.e. things I don't need in my life now. The lamp I have no space for, and the dinosaur will go beside it. All this is banking on me having the required space/my tastes don't change etc. The jacket I consider a good buy despite me second guessing myself every day. Hear me out, when I go to Mt Buller, for example, it gets cold, and I sit in bed with my outside jacket over me. I take limited luggage, but this jacket would mean I could have both an inside and outside jacket. So, I feel like my initial thoughts on the sherpa jacket were correct.   

I was also tempted by a Scorpio t-shirt that was $11 at TK Maxx but I resisted. 

> That Ah Ha Moment:

I've been trying to come up with some reason why I'm finding this challenge difficult because before doing this 'No Buy Year' I hardly spent any money. I think it's either that I don't like feeling restricted, I'm living in a freer post-covid world and have anger over stolen money. I think there's something deeper to look into here.  

Let's look at the figures so far - 

January: $260.94
February: $243.92 
March: $14.79
April: $23 
May: $275.95

I removed items that were within my originally set rules but statistically, I've improved. 

If you look at February, most of the items were bought for specific purpose i.e. an event/hobby, whereas January tempted me with last year's temptations as well as replacements. I cracked once in March but items in April were thought through. May was a failure, but June is going to be a good month. I feel it. I know it.

I have adopted a new philosophy, and I feel you roll your eyes like "oh yeah, you said that previous months..." but it's true and it stopped me spending towards the end of May. I've been asking myself - if I moved overseas tomorrow, would this item be worth the time, money and effort to pack up and ship?

Let's face it, that sh*t is expensive! so ideally, you'd want to take as little as possible, right? There's a number of things I own today that I would in fact sell before moving. It's been a complete game changer for me and the way I spend, as well as potential items I would sell to embrace an even more minimalistic lifestyle.

Now obviously there are some "for right now" items. The Ratchet and Clank game I bought February is a good example of this. If I moved, I would leave it behind, but I don't regret owning it and I still play it. Or like the mug I keep my pens in that is good for now but wouldn't necessarily need in the future.

In terms of this month's temptations/buys though in which I would actually take overseas, it's a big no to the t-shirt, carafe and tumblers, resin octopus and tissue box holder. The sherpa jacket is a maybe, as is the dinosaur. But the lamp is a BIG yes! Would be a total bitch to ship though but I'd hope worth it!

Earlier 2024 purchases, I would ship the Novo heels and Scorpio necklace. Maybe the Big W black dress, Blue's Clues earrings, Peter Alexander pj shorts, Lenni romper, Dusk lobster and matching plate, drinking glasses, ASOS dress, sweatshirt and Bruce Campbell sneakers. The black dress, video game and Savers jumper are all nos.

I also think 9-out-of-10 times 'maybe' means no, so I guess I have my answer there.

Until next month!


> Oops, I Did It Again:

So, it's currently May 31st and I've been going back and forth on if I should reveal that I bought the most expensive thing I could think of this week, but I promised to be honest with myself and you guys and I need to admit something. I haven't lied once, promise.

But I bought some artwork. I had wanted to buy an original from an artist's previous collection but missed out so when he announced a new collection, I decided to make a purchase. Now, I don't want to reveal how much I spent because it was over $1000 but I do believe that art is a good investment and will only go up in value with time. This isn't why I bought it, but it is something to consider. 

This purchase would also fall into one of my rules that I set in January, being that it's been a long-time purchase. I know I am justifying my spending but I'm okay with it =P

Next month my new philosophy still stands which will be interesting... but more on why later.

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